
Anylogic 7 in three days
Anylogic 7 in three days

anylogic 7 in three days anylogic 7 in three days

The tool was named AnyLogic, because it supported all three well-known modeling approaches: system dynamics, discrete event simulation, Agent-based modeling. The resulting software was released in 2000 and featured the latest information technologies: an object-oriented approach, elements of the UML standard, the use of Java, and a modern GUI. Development emphasis was placed on applied methods: simulation, performance analysis, behavior of stochastic systems, optimization and visualization. In 1998, the success of this research inspired the DCN laboratory to organize a company with the mission of developing a new generation of simulation software. The tool was developed with the help of a research grant from Hewlett-Packard (Commonly known as HP). This system allowed graphical modeling notation to be used for describing system structure and behavior.


The Distributed Computer Network (DCN) research group at Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University developed a software system for the analysis of program correctness the new tool was named COVERS (Concurrent Verification and Simulation). This approach was applied to the analysis of correctness of parallel and distributed programs. In the early 1990s, there was a big interest in the mathematical approach to modeling and simulation of parallel processes. ĪnyLogic is used to simulate: markets and competition, healthcare, manufacturing, supply chains and logistics, retail, business processes, social and ecosystem dynamics, defense, project and asset management, pedestrian dynamics and road traffic, IT, and aerospace. AnyLogic is cross-platform simulation software that works on Windows, macOS and Linux. It supports agent-based, discrete event, and system dynamics simulation methodologies. English, Portuguese, Russian, German, Chinese, SpanishĪnyLogic is a multimethod simulation modeling tool developed by The AnyLogic Company (formerly XJ Technologies).

Anylogic 7 in three days